
Overcome 50% of world blindness

OUI Inc. is Japanese medical startup founded by ophthalmologits from Keio University School of Medicine. We team up with professionals in the fields of Medicine, Engineering and Business. Our vision is to protect health of patients all over the world through our technologies and solutions focused on ophthalmology.



SEC Smart Eye Camera

Smart Eye Camera is an innovative medical device for ophthalmogy. It enables examination of anterior segment of the eye, in "anytime", "anywhere", and by "anyone" through smartphone!

OUI Inc. is a japanese medical startup founded by ophthalmologists from Keio University School of Medicince. We team up with professionals in the fields of Medicine, Engineering and Business. Our vision to protect health of patients all over the world through our technologies and solutions focused on ophthalmology. We invented Smart Eye Camera (SEC), smartphone attachment medical device which uses light source and camera function of the smartphone to observe the anterior segment of the eye with equal function to Slit-Lamp Microscope. Thre are 43 million people blind worldwide, and the figure is going to increase to 120 million by the year 2050. More than half of these patients are blind because of the reasons which are preventable and curable, since they are residents in the marginalized areas suffering from access to eyecare itself. We aim to make a difference to this situation with our Smart Eye Camera. In collaboration with ophthalmologists, non-ophthalmologist medical doctors, and healthcare workers all around the world, we delivere proper eyecare to these patients and overcome 50% of the world blindness!!



OUI Inc. is Japanese medical startup founded by opthhalmologits from Keio University School of Medicine. We team up with professionals in the fields of Medicine, Engineering and Business. Our vision is to protect health of patients all over the world through our technologies and solutions focused on ophthalmology.


  • 清水 映輔 / Eisuke Shimizu

    清水 映輔 / Eisuke Shimizu

    Chief Executive Officer, founder (MD,PhD)

  • 中山 慎太郎 / Shintaro Nakayama

    中山 慎太郎 / Shintaro Nakayama

    Chief Operating Officer

  • 横岩 良太 / Ryota Yokoiwa

    横岩 良太 / Ryota Yokoiwa

    Chief Hardware Engineer

  • 西村 裕樹 / Hiroki Nishimura

    西村 裕樹 / Hiroki Nishimura

    Research Associate, Certified Orthoptist (MSc)

  • 戸澤 小春 / Koharu Tozawa

    戸澤 小春 / Koharu Tozawa

    Business Associate

  • Rohan Jeetendra Khemlani

    Rohan Jeetendra Khemlani

    Research Associate (MD)

  • 大橋 洋稔 / Hirotoshi Ohashi

    大橋 洋稔 / Hirotoshi Ohashi

    Sales representative

  • 濱島 尚人 / Naoto Hamashima

    濱島 尚人 / Naoto Hamashima

    Business Development Manager

  • すぺしゃるおにぃさん / Special Oni-san

    すぺしゃるおにぃさん / Special Oni-san

    Certified Orthoptist , Web Designer

  • 吉次 研二 / Kenji Yoshitsugu

    吉次 研二 / Kenji Yoshitsugu

    AI Engineer

  • 大橋 淳 / Jun Ohashi

    大橋 淳 / Jun Ohashi

    AI Engineer

  • 都築 幸聡 / Yukitoshi Tsuzuki

    都築 幸聡 / Yukitoshi Tsuzuki

    Web Engineer